Enhance Your Gmail with the Best Free Email Tracker: Discover Mail Tracking for Gmail

Published by David on
Mail Track for Gmail Logo
Imagine throwing a bottle into the sea, and hoping that the content of your message is read by the right person. How do you know if the person has received the message? When did they open the message? In the world of digital marketing, communicating through email campaigns without having access t...

Inbox Integrity: Does Email Tracking Compromise Ethics?

Published by David on
Gmail inbox
E-mail is one of the world's most important means of communication. In fact, over 300 billion e-mails are sent worldwide every day. The success of e-mail communication is due to a number of factors: instant and organized communication, low cost of use, and the ability to sha...

How to Calculate Your Email Open Rate For Free

Published by David on
A image with a gmail icon and the text How to Calculate Email Open Rates For Free
In an era where social media platforms come and go like fashion trends, email marketing remains the little black dress of the digital world—timeless, essentia...